At anchor, in balmy evening sunshine, with calm seas and her sweet lulling, red sunset while dining - with nothing on our mind but to enjoy it. The sense of blissful existence was indescribable. The three years of (hard) toil seemed to be forgotten already and definitely worth it!
In preparation for a little party for our local friends the night before the launch, Kokachin was cleaned inside out. So were we. With relief I threw away a bagful of scruffy working clothes and donned the most colourful outfit I could find. We all, Neptune included, looked transformed. That moment my new life started.

As for the pictures - below one, with congratulations, was sent to us by a pilot friend who I have not seen for a while. When asked where he was and how he took the picture of Kokachin at anchor he replied:
"I am currently flying in Kazakhstan. It was on Facebook ..."
Someone unknown has captured that blissful existence for us and it reached the other side of the world to come back to us. Serendipity or not!? Heartfelt thanks to you all for years of support and encouragement. Ahoy Linda & Neptune !
